Membrane structure form-finding occupies an important position in membrane structure and is the beginning of membrane structure design. From a mechanical point of view, the form-finding problem of membrane structures can be attributed to solving the initial equilibrium problem of the space surface. Today, I show a small editor together with everyone to find the meaning of the membrane structure.
The problem of membrane structure form finding includes the following important parameters:
1. Structural topological relationship
2. Geometric boundary conditions
3. Structural geometry
4. Physical strength and face strength
5. The size and distribution of the initial pretension

Among them, the structural topological relationship refers to the connection relationship between different structural components. In the computer finite element model, it can also be understood as the connection relationship between structural units. Physical and surface forces refer to the self-weight and external load of the structure. The external load is usually zero during the form-finding stage. The geometric shape of the structure is required to be solved in the form-finding stage, and is generally an unknown quantity. Geometric boundary conditions and initial pretension are usually determined comprehensively by structural engineers based on factors such as building conditions and construction conditions, and are the main independent variables in the form-finding stage. It can be said that form-finding is to seek the balance of many of the above factors.
The original text is compiled from Shanghai Shows A Membrane Structure Co., Ltd.
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