Everyone is no stranger to air film construction, showing that a membrane structure company has also done air film construction! Shanghai Shows A Membrane Structure Co., Ltd. is a professional membrane structure manufacturer, and has considerable experience in the design, production, installation and maintenance of various membrane structures.

The main material used in the air film building is the membrane material, which has good light transmittance, light reflection, and diffuse light performance. It does not need to turn on lights during the day, and natural lighting can meet the requirements of use. The membrane material is a non-light-absorbing material, so compared with traditional architectural lighting, it can save lighting energy consumption by more than 50%. The film itself also has good self-cleaning properties and can continue to maintain a white and clean appearance.
1. If only the surface coating of the membrane material is worn out and the fiber of the base fabric is intact, it can be pasted or heat-sealed on the worn area with high-performance transparent glue.
2. If the length of the damage area of the membrane surface is less than 50mm, cut an oval or round membrane cloth as a reinforcing layer and weld it on the damaged area.
3. If the length of the damage range of the film surface exceeds 50mm but less than 300mm, prepare a film strip with a length and width 150mm larger than the damage range and weld it on the film surface of the damaged area as a reinforcing layer.
4. If the damaged part of the membrane surface exceeds 300mm in length, the entire damaged unit must be removed and shipped back to the factory for repair or replacement of the entire unit.
The original text is compiled from Shanghai Shows A Membrane Structure Co., Ltd.
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